WHAT IS CARBOMARK Carbomark is a pilot initiative setting up a voluntary carbon market whose peculiarity is a local scale implementation, which means real geographical proximity between sellers and buyers of carbon shares. This initiative is the result of the cooperation among Veneto’s and Friuli Venezia Giulia’s Regional Governments, the University of Padova and the […]
Appointment at LIGNA
At LIGNA exhibition (from 22nd to 26th May 2017) – Hannover, Germany – PAL presented the project LIFE12 ENV/IT/000374.
Final Conference at University of Padova
PAL, in collaboration with UNIPD, organized the Final Conference that has been held at University of Padova on 05/04/2017.
Slovenian LIFE Team study trip
Plastic Killer has been chosen by the Slovenian LIFE Team (with reference to the project LIFE14 CAP/SI/000012 Capacity Building) as the object for a study trip they had in Italy. PAL presented the project, distributed some brochures and exchanged many information.
PAL S.r.l., with partnership of Università di Padova & Cepra S.r.l., cordially invite you to the Final Conference of project LIFE12 ENV/IT/000374 PLASTIC KILLER, that will be held on wednesday 5 April 2017 at Aula Magna “A. Lepschy” of Università degli Studi di Padova, at via G. Gradenigo 6/B (PADOVA).
Appointment at WOODEX IRAN
At WOODEX exhibition (held from 15th to 18th February 2017) – Tehran, Iran – PAL presented the project LIFE12 ENV/IT/000374.
Appointment at ECOMONDO
At ECOMONDO exhibition (held from 08th to 11th November 2016) – Rimini, Italy – PAL presented the project LIFE12 ENV/IT/000374.
Appointment at LESDREVMASH
At Lesdrevmash exhibition (held from 24th to 27th October 2016) – Mosow, Russia – PAL presented the project LIFE12 ENV/IT/000374.
Appointment at the 10th European Wood-based Panel Symposium
The LIFE 12 ENV/IT/000374 Plastic Killer will be presented at the 10th European Wood-based Panel Symposium, that will be held in Hamburg from 05/10/2016 to 07/10/2016. Eng. Matteo Simonetta (Acimall) will present the project on Friday, 7th October at 10.30 a.m. To read more about the event: http://www.european-wood-based-panel-symposium.org/frontend/index.php?folder_id=589 EWBPS Programme